Levitate - Arabica Light Roast Blend
Elevate your Light Roast experience to a new level! Typically Light Roasts are single origin and frankly, somewhat unidimensional. At Light Roast, most beans do not develop those caramel and butter tones we love. They are often citrusy to a fault and high in acid. So if you love the fruity, brown-sugar notes of Light Roast but want lower acidity and no sour notes, with the development of some delicious caramel and butter tones, you need to use properly ripened, aged beans, and blend complementary origins each at their own perfect temperature.
Only at Len's will you find a blended Arabica Light Roast with the rich, balanced taste possible with artisan-roasted expertise and multi-origin blending. The base of Levitate is Brazil Voilcano Coffee Adrano, a 17-time award winning coffee from the Pocos de Caldas region, renowned for its perfect soil, healing hot water springs, and ideal microclimate for coffee.
8 ounces, please choose whole bean or ground.